aviation: Germany: VC and Verdi want to establish a works council at Malta Air

, aviation: Germany: VC and Verdi want to establish a works council at Malta Air


The Verdi and Cockpit Association initiated the election of a works council at the Ryanair subsidiary Malta Air in Germany last Thursday. First, a so-called electoral board is formed.

In Germany, Ryanair has a language that does not offer a flight at any station. All bases and flights will be handed over to the sister company Malta Air. At that time, the step was justified by saying that this was intended to enable employees to pay wage taxes in the Federal Republic. Ireland had previously insisted that these would be due at the company’s location, i.e. Dublin at the time.

Ryanair now also has flight operations in the United Kingdom (Ryanair UK), Poland (Buzz) and Malta (Lauda Europe and Malta Air). Their bases are spread across various European countries. Until recently, there was no works council at Malta Air in Germany. Some time ago the unions made an attempt to establish one, but for various reasons this was not initially successful.

Now the Cockpit association and Verdi are making a joint attempt. According to the announcement, I initiated the works council election by putting up a notice calling for the formation of an electoral committee. The corresponding media release states: “The legal basis for flying personnel here is Section 117 of the Works Constitution Act.” The Cockpit Association and Verdi assume that the works council elections can be carried out without disruption and without hindrances.”

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Author: Manuella LISET