aviation: June 2023: BER still well below pre-crisis levels

, aviation: June 2023: BER still well below pre-crisis levels


In June 2023, Berlin-Brandenburg Airport was used by 2.1 million travelers. This was significantly below the value that Schönefeld and Tegel achieved together in June 2019.

At that time, the two airports were used by 3.3 million passengers. A total of 10.6 million passengers traveled via BER in the first six months of this year. Last year there were almost nine million in the same period.

Last month, 16,242 aircraft took off and landed at BER, the same number as in May 2023. In June of the previous year there were 15,488 flight movements and in 2019 around 26,000. A total of 2,690 tons of air freight were loaded at BER last month. In June of the previous year it was 2,427 tons and in 2019 2,961 tons.

The June 2023 contribution: BER still well below pre-crisis levels first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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Author: Manuella LISET