Mönchengladbach Airport (MGL) is founded at the same time as the location for high-tech companies in the aerospace industry.
One of the most recent companies to move here is Thrustworks GmbH, which specializes in additive manufacturing processes for aerospace and energy companies. The company moved its headquarters from Rommerskirchen to Mönchengladbach and used its expertise to complement the airport’s strategic direction. The move was successfully realized with the support of the Regional Economic Development Program (RWP).
Germandrones GmbH, which develops and tests unmanned aviation systems, is also located at the MGL. In addition to its headquarters in Berlin, the company has now opened a second location in Mönchengladbach. Another example of the technological upgrade of the location is AlphaParts GmbH, which sells spare parts for aircraft and thus further strengthens the role of the MGL as a maintenance center.
The airport is also setting new standards in the training sector: Vertical Mission Training GmbH offers training for helicopter pilots using modern flight simulators, supported by innovative VR technology.
These developments underline the airport’s efforts to position itself as a research and development location while simultaneously creating highly qualified locations in the region. A delegation from the Düsseldorf district government and the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs recently visited the airport to see the progress for themselves.
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