aviation: returnedreturned

, aviation: returnedreturned


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In Portugal, tap air is a topic that always causes a stir. For example, the fact that high severance payments were paid to an ex-boss, the State Secretary, cost several members of the government and the then incumbent company boss their jobs. This was certainly not illegal, but the public was extremely outraged.

Tap Air Portugal was privatized a few years ago, but the airline was abolished and returned to state ownership in several steps. Now it is to be sold again, but there are different political opinions on “how”. For example, the President blocked the tender with a veto because, in his eyes, it was completely non-transparent.

The Prime Minister must announce his resignation on November 7, 2023 because an investigation has been opened against him for alleged corruption in the administration. As a result, both the privatization of Tap Air Portugal and the tender process for the planned airport for Lisbon were put on hold. It is expected that the process could only resume after the general elections, probably at the end of March 2024. Depending on the outcome of the election, plans could then change.

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, aviation: returnedreturnedL’objectif de central-intelligence-of-aviation.com étant de trier en ligne des articles autour de Aviation du futur pour ensuite les diffuser en essayant de répondre au mieux aux interrogations du public. Cette chronique est reproduite de la manière la plus juste que possible. Dans l’hypothèse où vous décidez d’apporter quelques notes autour du sujet « Aviation du futur », vous pouvez discuter avec notre équipe. Vous pouvez tirer profit de ce papier développant le sujet « Aviation du futur ». Il est concocté par l’équipe central-intelligence-of-aviation.com. Il y a de prévu de multiples articles autour du sujet « Aviation du futur » sous peu, nous vous incitons à consulter notre site internet à plusieurs reprises.

Author: Manuella LISET