aviation: Summer record: Wizz Air carries 33 million passengers

, aviation: Summer record: Wizz Air carries 33 million passengers

The low-cost carrier Wizz Air has set a new summer record. A total of 33 million passengers were transported between April and September.

The low-cost carrier Wizz Air achieved record numbers in the summer. Specifically, 33 million passengers were transported between April and September. Compared to summer 2022, this corresponds to an increase of over 24 percent.

Marion Geoffroy, managing director of Wizz Air UK, said: « Over 33 million people have chosen to fly with Wizz Air this summer and we are grateful for their trust. « We believe in making travel affordable and we are delighted “To be able to offer a variety of options for summer vacations.”

“With the announcement of our 2024 flight schedule, our passengers can already plan for next year. We look forward to welcoming even more passengers on board over the next 12 months and offering our customers new and exciting destinations to visit with family and friends.”

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Author: Manuella LISET